Sagot :

Bonjour voici un petit paragraphe sur la lecture en anglais.

Réponse :

What does reading gives you ?

Reading gives you the knowledge about some various subject. It also helps you learning and understanding more the text you're reading to.

Reading can change your opinion on a subject, like, If I told you that the earth is flat, you wouldn't trust me because you already read alteast one time a document about the earth and what shape it is made with.

So reading is usefull and can only be a gain for you and your study time. Every answer can be find in books and documents !

Explications :

Ici je t'ai mit les avantages principaux de la lecture, avec notamment le fait que lire peut te permettre d'éviter les fake news et d'enrichir tes connaissances personnelles.

En espèrant t'avoir bien aidé, bonne soirée.
