Bonjour, je fois faire cette fiche pour demain

Réponse :
coucou ! voici les réponses de ta fiche (n'hésite pas si tu as des questions) :
a) admitted (discours indirect)
b) asked (discours direct, puisqu'il y a des guillemets)
c) begged (discours direct)
d) exclaimed (discours direct)
e) asked (discours indirect)
a) She says that fairy tales are still insipiring artists today.
b) He asked if you will wrote another tale soon.
c) She told me that she had listened to a lot of fairy tales on CD.
a) the following day
b) the week before
c) the day before
a) Sophie asked me if I had read Rapunzel.
b) James said he will read the story of Aladdin the following day.
c) The artist declared that fairy tales inspired him so much.
The prince declare "Dear Sir, I want to marry your daughter". The king asked with surprise "Are you sure ?", and he answer "Yes ! I'm ready !". The king retort : "Well, that's fine, but first you will have to cross the sea and kill the dragon. Then you will deserve to marry her." The prince hesitate : "Well, then, er, well..." ; the king interrupt him "What's wrong ?!". The pretender conclude : "I think I'll have to think twice.".
Voilà, j'espère avoir pu t'aider ! Bon courage et bonne fin de journée !