
J’ai un examen oral en anglais et je dois être capable de raconter une histoire étrange qui m’ai arrivé

Est ce que quelqu’un pourrait corriger ce texte pour moi svp ? Je suis extrêmement nulle en anglais.

Merci beaucoup

it's a real story, I was on a school trip to Malmedy when it happened. In my room I was with two friends and often during the night we could hear footsteps in the walls and in the ceiling, it was always around 3AM and every morning there were objects that disappeared from our room or were moved. we were really scared. shortly after we learned that a girl from our school was doing ouija in the hostel in malmedy so we warned the teachers but they didn't take it seriously. we don't really know if it's because she played at ouija but we never found the objects.