Tu n'as pas bien compris comment formuler le past continuous.
Be (au prétérit > was/were) + V-ing
On l'utilise pour une action passée qui est en cours au moment où se produit une autre action au simple past.
Le simple past s'utilise pour une action passée terminée.
Attention de bien apprendre tes verbes irréguliers.
While John Pemberton was serving as a lieutenant of the Confederate Army, he suffered from a major injury from a saber which slashed his chest.
Like many Civil War's wounded veterans he became addicted to morphine. At the end of the war, he went back to work as a pharmacist. In the meantime, he was trying to find a cure to his addiction. Therefore, he used coca leaves and cola nuts.....
However his lab assistant accidentely mixed the two ingredients with carbonates water, which resulted in the world's first coke.
Bonne journée