bonjour! je devais inventé ce texte pour un oral, quelqu'un peut vérifier mon texte, voir améliorer les phrases, s'il vous plait, merci

the story takes place in sweden
It is the story of a girl suffering from an eye disease, which prevents her from going out during the day because her eyes are very sensitive to sunlight, she can die if she is exposed to the sun what an hour. she can only leave her house after dark
Her name is Olivia, she is 23. Every night she goes to the same place, she goes to the cliffs, to observe the sea and the stars
She had no friends because she spent her days locked in her house
she sleeps during the day and lives at night.
It was a very boring and hard life to endure.
One summer evening, she went to the cliffs like every day and saw someone swimming in the sea, she went down to the beach and sat down to watch him. There were only the two of them on the beach because it was late. He came over to her, asked her name, and that was the start of their relationship. They met every night that summer to watch the stars
She didn't tell him about her illness, she just told him that she was very busy during the day, and that they could only see each other at night. After a month he told her he was terminally ill with cancer so she confessed to him that she was also sick and that she had to be hospitalized because her condition was serious. they were soulmates. it was the first and last love of one of the two characters, because one of the two dies at the end, but you have to see the film to know which one.

Sagot :




the story takes place in Sweden's