Aidez moi svp j’y arrive pas

Réponse :
a) Doctor Kamal 's medicine give me no relief
b) Cape Town's tallest building is collapsing
c) The artist's concert was great
d) When Martin's steack was served, he started eating
e) I decided to wait for a while at Mira's house
f) Christopher's ideas were getting a bit confused
g) Jk Rowling's wizard is famous
Explications :
génitif : est souvent utilisé pour simplifier les phrases et éviter des phrases avec des "at the" "of the" , on simplifie les phrases avec un 's a la fin de chaque nom et on enlève les "at the" exct...
a- Doctor Kamal's medicine gives me no relief.
b- Cape Town's tallest building is collapsing.
c- The artist's concert was great.
d- When Martin's steak was served, je started eating.
e- I decided to wait for a while at Moira's house.
f- Christopher's ideas were getting a bit confused.
g- J.K. Rowling's wizard is famous.
Bonne soirée.