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This text tells us all about the online market improvement. Jan Kaan set up the first streamstore. It works online and like a livestream. Like in any normal online shoping, all you have to do is go on the site and order. Then the cheese in this case, or else any other required products are gonna be delivered infront of your house. In conclusion it is overall a good idea that needs to be thought through and created in our online world. In my opinion it would be very useful for small shops all around the world that don't get as much recognition as big brands. These small brands are most likely to be very interesting, they just have to get a bit more clients and start funds to be able to begin getting the popularity they deserve. If we overlook the small shops for a moment, it would also be very useful for elder or busier people that can't always go grocerie shopping or something like that. They could order everything online and get it in the next few days afterwards. So generally I am sure it would make things a lot easier to deal with and i think it could even be good for the environnement.