1. Hey! Would you like to present yourself?
2. What made you discover that you had this talent?
3. Could you please explain, in a few words, the secret of your trick?
4. And can you present us please some difficult parts in mastering this?
5. How long did you train to master this trick? Was it easy?
6. Are you going to participate to another shows to present your interesting talent?
7. Would you like to have an article about your ability in the Guiness book?
8. Could you tell me, please: how many times per week do you train?
9. Do you plan on improving this skill? Or are you going to try to find another cool ability?
10. Do you want to say some words to our watchers before you leave?
Coucou! Voilà 10 idées de questions; j'espère que ça t'a aidé :)
Bonne soirée <3