Bonjour, je suis en 4ème eh j’ai un devoir à rendre pour demain en anglais, est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’aider s’il vous plaît ?
23 We, therefore, declare, that as Free and
Independent States,
24 [we] have full Power to levy War, conclude
Peace, contract Alliances, establish
25 and to do all other Acts and Things which
Independent States may of right do.
26 And for the support of this Declaration, with
a firm reliance on the protection of
Divine Providence,
27 we mutually pledge to each other our Lives,
our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
Les questions :
1. What four examples are given about what they
can now do as free states?
2. We know that Britain went to war with the
colonists after this Declaration. Why?
1. The four examples that are given about what they can now do as free states are their full Power to levy War conclude peace, contract alliances and establish commerce.
Pour la 2 je crois que c'est un truc que vous avez vu en cours :)