Did I use the present simple and thé present continuous?
Dear Olivia,

I watched your video during my English class and it really interests me!

I saw that you only have one teacher, we have not only one, we have several teachers, but it must be good to have only one teacher. I have already lived in primary school with us, it is one teacher per class.

You are in a class with pupils from kindergarten to grade 6. We are not in the same class. We are separated from everyone.

My school is not located far like yours; it is open to everyone.

In my class there are also not many students and i find it good

Do you like to be with kindergarten ?

How long do you spend going from home to school?

Do you want to visit my school?

If you want to come to my school, you can stay with me in my house.

It will be easier for you because you will be with me (I will show you the way to school) and my house is not far from the school so it's a good thing for you.

I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sarah verhellen. I'm a student in the high school in Lennik. I am a very calm and attentive girl so I hope that you are coming to visit my high school.

I hope to hear from you soon.

With kind regards.