Bonjour vp j'aibesoin de votre aide dans cette exercice
merci d'avance

Réponse :
a) Perhaps some 49ers contracted diseases and died on arriving.
Some 49ers may have contracted diseases and ( may have ) died on arriving.
b) They most probably were surprised by the price of living in the West.
They must have been surprised by the price of living in the West.
c) There is no doubt the pioneers were unaware of the harsh climate of the Great Plains.
The pioneers must have been unaware of the harsh climate of the Great Plains.
d) It is likely that the settlers felt isolated.
The settlers may have felt isolated.
e) Perhaps the settlers found it hard to cope with their new living conditions.
The settlers may have found it hard to cope with their new living conditions.
f) There is no doubt the settlers risked their life on a daily basis.
The settlers must have risked their life on a daily basis.
g) The pioneers most probably needed a lot of willpower to survive.
The pioneers must have needed a lot of willpower to survive.
Explications :
Must ( exprime une probabilité forte )
May ( exprime une supposition, une probabilité moyenne )