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I was walking with (name of a dog or whatever) in the middle of the World Trade Center when suddenly I heard loud noises of explosion. I looked up to see what was going on and had the most terrifying fear of my life. A plane had just crashed into WTC 1, fire, debris, projectiles. All over. I thought i was dreaming but it was anything but a dream, it was a nightmare. Real. A very real nightmare, yes. I hugged (dog's name or other) and started running. I didn't know where i was going but I was running. To run. Move away. To flee. Running away from this terror was all that mattered to me. And in a terrible crash a second plane crashed against this time the second tower. The WTC 2 tower was also affected by this massacre. That day I saw the most horrible things of my life. Bodies. Human's bodies. Burning bodies were leaping from the windows. In panic, In the monstrosity of this attack. And I was there. Alone. In the middle of everything. Paralyzed. I no longer felt anything. Neither terror. Neither panic. Neither stress. Nothing. My body. My little human being faced with such a thing couldn't do anything about it. So at that moment I surrender. I sink. In front of so much cruelty. I sink.