Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider je dois compléter au prétérit simple, prétérit be-ing ou pluperfect

Later that day, Bella had a biology class. At two o'clock sharp, she entered the lab and she stood still, stunned:
the mysterious boy was sitting at her table and he was smiling at her! With a beating heart, she sat down next to him, said hello and... that's when she saw it: his eyes were different now!
They changed colours!
That was the beginning of the strangest love story ever!
Le prétérit en continu (be+ing) est utilisé pour parler d'une action qui était en train de se dérouler.
exemple: She was sleeping. -> Elle était en train de dormir.
Il se construit ainsi:
sujet + be (au prétérit) + verbe
En espérant avoir aidé :)