Reformule les phrases suivantes en introduisant used to à l'endroit qui convient.
Coup de pouce
Used to n'est employé qu'une seule fois dans chaque phrase.
1. When I was young, I loved playing with my little brother.
2. Life was very difficult in those days.
3. At that time, pupils didn't go to school on Thursdays.
4. Did you eat in the canteen when you were a schoolgirl, Mum?

Sagot :

Bonjour !

1) When I was young, I used to love playing with my little brother.

2) Life used to be very difficult in those days.

3)At that time, pupils used to not go to school on Thursdays.

4) Did you use to eat in the canteen when you were a schoolgirl, Mum ?

Passe une bonne journée :)

1. When I was young, I used to love playing with my little brother.

2. Life used to be very difficult in those days.

3. At that time, pupils were used to don’t go to school on Thursdays.

4. Did you eat in the canteen when you used to be a schoolgirl, Mum?