Sagot :

Réponse :

Hey, what's up (Nom de ton ami), I've just been to Australia for 2 days and I wish I have stayed more ! This place is so beautiful ! I've visited beautiful places, such as the iconic Great Barrier Reef, it was so beautiful, i have never felt so close to nature, the water was pure blue, it was incredible ! I have also visited Sydney Opera House ! And obviously, I've seen Sydney, and I don't even have the words to describe how much fun I had while visiting the city ! I wish I could have stayed more to visit Canberra, but anyway, I still had a great time here ! Hope to hear from you soon ! -(Ton nom)

Explications :

On utilise le present perfect/prétérit pour raconter ce petit texte ! Il ne faut aussi pas négliger le vocabulaire du voyage et tout aussi les endroits qu'on a pu visiter, on va donc aussi ce renseigner sur certains endroits bien connus en Australie :

L'opéra de Sydney => Sydney Opera House

Grande barrière de corail => Great Barrier Reef


Rappel sur le P.Perfect :

Have + Participe passé (3ème colonne de ton tableau des verbes irr.)

=> I have been to...

Réponse :

hi,(tu met le nom de ton ami)  

My trip to australia is awesome ! I undersand why we call it the lucky Country. Its is the sunniest place i have ever been to. Love it here ! thought the cities are fun, it s really the great outdoors that make Australia such a special place. Did you know that Australia counted 1,000 national parks ?

I have tried everuthing from diving off the Great Barrier Fref or whitewater fafting, tohot air balloning over Alice Springs or even Sking in the Blue Mountains.

Look forward to showing you pictures I have taken so far !

See you soon

(tu met ton prenom)

Explications :

alors si c'est un mail ou messages tu écrit avec les inscription en gras mais si c'est juste un texte tu met sans les instruction en gras