bonjour,pouvez vous m'aidez pour ces exercices c'est très important (je dois le faire pour demain), j'ai déjà fait le 1 mais je comprend pas les autres merci a ceux qui m'aideront.

a- look I'm reading the paper
b- what are you doing? I'm reading the paper
c- no not now. I'm reading the paper
d- every day I read the paper
e- turn off the radio please! I'm reading the paper
f- at lunchtime I read the paper
g- after the school i read the paper
h- sometimes I read the paper
i- I'm busy. I'm reading the paper
j- when I come home i read the paper
- there are many people in the street. they are manifesting
- Oh Yes! why are they manifesting?
- because they think that they aren't well paid
- they are saying that they are working a lot.
- but they are suffering bad working conditions