Intéressant = Interesting
Paisible = peaceful
Égoïste/Auto-centre = self-centered
Bavard = talkative
Nerveux = Nervous
Vicieux = Vicious
Décontracté = relaxed
Lent = slow
Méchant = Mean
Mauvais = Bad
Joyeux = Happy
Patient = Patient
Poli = polite
Prudent = prudent/careful
Sûr de soi = Confident
Efficace = effective
Responsable = Responsable
Honnête = honest
Digne de confiance = worth of trust
Méprisable = contemptible
doux = soft/sweet
Raisonnable = reasonable
Intelligent / brillant = intelligent / brillant
Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<33