hey je dois regarde la vidéo "Tom's holiday" et completer l’exercice mais je n’y arrive pas pouvez vous m’aidez svp

Réponse :
a. How long did you stay in England?
2. Two lovely weeks
b. How many pictures did they take?
8. Billions of them!
c. How much did the hotel cost?
5. £75 a day for a double room.
d. Where did you spend your summer holiday?
7. In Wales. Camping.
e. How far did you walk every day?
1. About 10 miles a day. Very sporty holidays!
f. How hot was it in Italy?
4. 30 to 36°C!
g. What souvenirs did you buy in London?
3. Nice T shirts and a teapot.
h. Did you drive to Scotland?
6. No, we went by train.