Complète chaque phrase avec un verbe de la liste au présent be + -ing.
sing-cook- shine (briller) - write-swim-read-wear - listen-work-wait - play
Exemple : Listen! Somebody is singing.
a. Look! A dog
in the river.
b. Shush! Kate
for a phone call?
d. The children
football in the garden, they're watching TV.
a lovely blue hat this morning.
e. Patricia
the sun
g. Sam.
a letter, he's playing computer games.
h. My dad
on the computer.
to music?
j. My mum
in the kitchen. Mmm, it smells good!

Sagot :


Look! A dog is swimming in the river

Shush! Kate is reading

You are waiting for a phone call?

The children are playing football in the garden [...] à lovely are wearing blue hat this morning

Patricia is singing

The sun is shining

Sam, is writting a letter

My dad is working on the computer

You are singing/listening to music?

My mum is cooking in the kitchen


Hey j'espère que sa pourras t'aider par contre je ne suis pas sûre pour la phrase avec Patricia

Réponse :

  1. Look! A dog is swimming in the river ! ⇒ river = rivière et swim = nager (ça va ensemble) et on rajoute -ing au verbe parce que le chien est entrain de nager.
  2. Shush! Kate is reading. ⇒ shush = chut et read = lire
  3. You are wainting for a phone call ? ⇒ phone call = appel et wait = attendre.
  4. The children are playing football in the garden, they're watching TV. ⇒play = jouer.
  5. She is wearing a lovely blue hat this morning. ⇒ hat = chapeau et wear = porter.
  6. Patricia is singing. ⇒ sing = chanter.
  7. The sun is shining. ⇒ the sun = le soleil et shining = briller
  8. Sam is writing a letter. ⇒ write = écrire et letter = lettre.
  9. My dad is working on the computer. ⇒ work = travailler et computer = ordinateur.
  10. Are you listening music ? ⇒ listen = écouter et music = musique. Pour poser une question, on peut inverser le sujet et le verbe.
  11. My mum is cooking in the kitchen. Mmm, it smells good! ⇒ cook = manger, kitchen = cuisine et smell = sentir.

Voilà j'espère que ça va t'aider !