bonjour pouvez vous m'aider s'ils vous plaît merci

Réponse :
1. On 9/11/2001, two planes crashed in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.
2. Many people heard the explosions from far away.
3. When the first plane hit the first tower, many people believed it was an accident.
4. They didn't know it was a terror attack then.
5. When the second plane hit the second tower, people understood the situation.
6. Many people panicked and were afraid.
7. Many people who were in the towers didn't panic.
8. They evacuated the buildings quickly.
9. The Pentagon too suffered a terrorist attack this day.
10. Nearly 3.000 people died during those attacks.
Explications :
Pour utiliser le prétérit, on ajoute "ed" à la fin du verbe.
Il y a des verbes irréguliers. Comme par exemple:
- eat = ate
- take = took
- have = had
... et j'en passe.
Il faut juste les apprendre par coeur.
En espérant t'avoir aidé :)