Bonjour, est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’aider s’il vous plait? merci d’avance !

Réponse :
Lincoln:- Look at this, Ivy, Dad had blond hair when he was young.
Ivy:- Yeah, and he looked slim too!
Lincoln:- I know! Hey, this is you as a baby. Were you wearing baby pink pyjamas?
Ivy:- Yes, I was. And this blue rabbit was my favourtie toy.
Lincoln:- I remember. You always carried it with you. You hated it when Mum wanted to wash it.
Ivy:- Didn't you have a soft story book about an adventurous frog?
Lincoln:- You're right! I loved that book, and I also ate some its pages!
Ivy:- You were super cute with your book upside down.
Lincold:- Hey, don't laugh! I was a book worm at a very young age!
Explications :
Pour utiliser le prétérit, on ajoute "ed" à la fin du verbe.
Il y a des verbes irréguliers. Comme par exemple:
- eat = ate
- take = took
- have = had
... et j'en passe.
Il faut juste les apprendre par coeur.
En espérant t'avoir aidé :)