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Prétérit simple
Aux formes interrogatives et négatives, on utilise DID (prétérit de DO) et la Base Verbale
Sujet + did+ not + Base Verbale
Did + sujet + Base Verbale + ?
Attention BE étant déjà un auxiliaire, on n'utilise pas did.
Sujet + was/were + 'ot
Was/ were + sujet + ?
1- I saw your sister yesterday.
2- Did you fly to New York ?
35- She taught English for two years.
36- She didn't think about it.
37- I thought it would make you happy.
38- He lost his Key.
39- I sent the letter yesterday.
40- Why did you send it to the laundry ?
41- He didn't sleep well.
42- He laid his briefcase on the table
43- Why did you lie?
44- He lay in bed, thinking O nothing
45- He fell downstairs.
46- She felt very happy indeed.
47- He brought me nice flowers.
48- How many did they buy?
49- It meant she could not go.
50- She led them into the living room.
Bonne journée