Bonjour ma prof d’anglais nous a demandé de faire un texte ou en parle d’un souvenir d’enfance fantastique (en anglais ) et mes camarades de classe doivent deviner ci c’est vrai ou faux.
Je n’ai aucune idée en tête pouvez vous m’aider svp..
Merci beaucoup d’avance ci vous prenez le temps de m’aider :)

Sagot :

My souvenir is about when I was 7 years old. I was with my grand-ma and we where going to the supermarket. We where with my brother and my sister (a adapter a ta situation). When we arrived we saw a big tent, before going in the shop we went in the tent to see what was inside because the tent was usually not there. Inside we saw a attraction park, there was self-buffers and lots of roundabout. We passed a excellent moment. When we exit of the tent we went directly to the house. We even forgot to go to the supermarket !