Bonjour, j’ai besoin d’aide pour un exercice que je n’arrive pas à comprendre le voici:

Réponse :
1. An elephant is bigger than a mouse.
2. Montreal is smaller than New York.
3. The Nil river is longer than the Hudson river.
4. A Cadillac is larger than a Hundai.
5. An apple tree is prettier in the spring than in the winter.
6. A duck is uglier than a swan.
7. Hercules was stronger than any other men.
8. American coffee is weaker than Turkish coffee.
9. Bogotá is usually hotter than London.
10. Anchorage, Alaska, is usually colder than Rome.
11. My room is darker at night then during the day.
12. A lion is a lighter color than a monkey.
13. A giraffe is taller than a lion.
14. The days are shorter in the winter than in the summer.
15. Most people think that horses are more intelligent than chickens.
16. Some people find comedies more entertaining than dramas.
17. Bill Gates is richer than most people.
18. I think that a summer sunset is more beautiful than a winter sunset.
19. SCUBA diving is more dangerous than playing baseball.
20. My father is older than my brother.
Explications :
Quelques rappels :
Adjectifs courts : adjetctif-er
( ne pas oublier de doubler la consonne finale + changer "y" en "i" )
Adjectifs longs : more + adjectif