bonjour vous pouvez m'aider pour d,e merci d'avance

D 2. Does Caroline like to be disturbed?
3. Do you explain clearly?
4. Does Mom cook dinner every day?
5. Does the pupil ask for help?
6. Do girls enjoy going to parties?
7. Do you visit the museum regularly?
8. Does Charles arrive early as a rule?
9. Do secretaries make hotel reservations?
10. Does Mrs Clark water her plants?
11. Does the cat scratch the front door?
12. Does your sister cook well?
E 1. NEG: I don't walk to school.
INT: Do you walk to school?
2. NEG: That driver doesn't stop at the traffic lights.
INT: Does that driver stop at traffic lights?
3. NEG: The boys don't play football quite well.
INT: Do the boys play football well?
4. NEG: This kite doesn't fly real high.
INT: Does this kite fly high?
5. NEG: I don't talk to Andrew every single day.
INT: Do you talk to Andrew every single day?
6. NEG: Micheal doesn't work in a big company.
INT: Does Micheal work in a big company?
7. NEG: My mum doesn't mix all the ingredients.
INT: Does your Mum mix all the ingredients?
8. NEG: My brother Alfred doesn't study Spanish at school.
INT: Does your brother Alfred study Spanish at school?