Bonjour j’aurais besoin d’aide merci d’avance

Réponse :
Coucou, voici les reponses pour ton exercice.
Exercice 1
2. She lost her keys last week.
3. She met her friends yesterday evening.
4. Yesterday I bought two newspapers.
5. Last Sunday we went to the cinema.
6. Yesterday I ate an orange.
7. This morning he took a shower.
8. They came to see us last Friday.
Exercice 2
2. I played with my friends yesterday.
3. Yesterday I went to the restaurant with my parents.
4. I had a test yesterday morning.
5. Yesterday I had a swimming lesson.
6. Yesterday my dad bought me a new video game.
Exercice 3
2. They worked on Monday but they didn't work on Tuesday.
3. We went to the post office but we didn't go to the bank.
4. She had a pen but she didn't have any paper.
5. Jack did French at school but he didn't do German.
Voila, j'espere que ca t'a aide.