Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider car je n'arrive pas à comprendre et réussir mon travail d'anglais

Complete. Use just, already or yet.
Have you bought a new bike
Great Sean has
broken the world record!
Don't shout! He hasn't finished his homework
asked you
Can I go to Jane's party? I've
three times.
fallen off his
Mark can't win the race now. He's
passed all his
Have you cleaned your room
? I've
asked you twice.
Adam is very clever. He's
university exams.
I haven't sent the email to Amy
Joe has
gone. If you hurry you can catch him.

Sagot :



1- Have you already bought a new bike?

2- Great Sean has just broken the world record !

3- Don't shout. He hasn't finished his homework yet.

4- Can I go to Jane's party? I've already asked you three times.

5- Mark can't win the race now. He's just fallen of his bike.

6- Have you already cleaned your room? I've already asked you twice.

7- Adam is very clever. He's just passed all his university exams.

8- I haven't sent the email to Amy yet.

9- Joe has just gone. If you hurry you can catch him.


J'espère avoir réussi à remettre tes phrases dans l'ordre...


Bonne journée