Bonsoir est-ce possible de corrigé mon texte en anglais car je ne suis pas sereine de ce que j’ai écrit

On the one hand I prefer to watch a movie on the smart phone but to be in The aspect of the movie is better to be in a movie even if it’s expensive the whispers are present but these are small constraints that prevent us from watching the movie with good screen quality and not interruption of advertising like websites I prefer to watch on the phone because we can escape parts that interest us not that in the cinema we do not have this possibility.

Sagot :


salut j'ai changer 2 3 truc mais sinon c'est bon tu peux être sereine :

On the one hand I prefer to watch a movie on the smartphone but to be in The aspect of the movie is better to be in a movie even if it’s expensive the whispers are present, but these are small constraints that prevent us from watching the movie with good screen quality and not interruption of advertising like websites I prefer to watch on the phone because we can escape parts that interest us not that in the cinema we do not have this possibility.

On the one hand I prefer to watch a movie on the smartphone but being in The appearance of the movie is better to be in a movie even if it's expensive whisper are present but these are small constraints that prevent us from watching the film with good screen quality and not interruption of advertising like the websites that I prefer to watch over the phone because we can escape from parts that interest us not have this possibility.

Il y avait quelques petite erreur mais le reste pour moi est correct