Bonjour quelqu’un pourrait m’aider en anglais pour la 2 et 3 svp

a- Lana is the fastest ten-year-old swimmer I've ever seen
b- The Sydney beaches are the largest beaches Tom has ever surfed on
c- Rescuing people is the most impressive thing Elliott has ever learned/ learnt.
d- Being the last one at thé Nippers competition is the worst experience Lily has ever had.
e- Swimming with sharks is the craziest experience Lena and Matt have ever had.
Présent perfect =>
Have au présent (has/have) + participe passé du verbe
a- Very few people....
b- ...because there are no school around.
c- There is very little rain...
d-;... They really need a little help.
e- ...but only a few are really dangerous.
f- ..and he has had a few frightening moments.
A few / few ==> + noms dénombrables (pluriel
A little / little ==> + noms indénombrables (singulier)
Désolé, je suis en retard, j'aurais aimé t'expliquer le superlatif mais ...
Adj longs = the most + adjectif
Adjectif court => the + adj. + -est
En -y => + -iest (. Funny = the funniest...)
Consonne/ voyelle / consonne => on double la consonne => Big > the biggest, fat > fattest
Bad > the worst
Good > the best
Far > the farthest
Voilà vite fait..
Bonne journée