Bonjour, j’aurai besoin que quelqu’un me fasse une introduction en anglais à propos de la mort de Lincoln a l’aide de ce texte sans utiliser « je » ou « nous » !! PAS PLUS DE 4 LIGNES

Réponse :
In this [paragraphe or essay], will be studied President Abraham Lincoln's assassination.
Lincoln was murdered in the night of the 14th of April in 1865. He was, more precisely, shot in a theatre by John Wilks Booth, a well-known actor, while he was attending a performance of "Our American Cousin", around 10:15 PM. Sadly, the killer escaped and was never found. The president was unconscious, and died at 7:22 AM, on the 15th.
Explications :
pour le [paragraphe or essay], il faut juste que tu choisis ta form de rédaction (paragraphe, rédaction...). voila! j'espère t'avoir aidé!