8:00 am Wake up, grab my phone. Check my account, like best friends' comments.
8:10 am Get up and have a shower. Turn on Bluetooth speaker and listen
to my favourite band.
8:30 am Have breakfast. Take a snap of my bacon and eggs.
8:40 am Brush teeth, grab bag, put headphones on and rush to school bus.
9:00 am Arrive at school. Switch my phone off. Painful!
Lunchtime: chat about latest gaming scores with mates.
3:00 pm School's over. Take a selfie to share with mates. Walk home. Text Mum
I'm home.
4:00 pm Run 3 miles using my tracking app. So proud!
5:00 pm Log on to the school website, check my homework, send PM* to Linda
for help.
0 pm
Online gaming session. Break for dinner time. Dad's calling!
Back to bedroom. Stream the latest episode of Zombie Spies.
Sooo good!
9:30 pm Plug in my mobile and laptop to charge the batteries for tomorrow.
Lights out!​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

En faite si bien com pris c’est qui il faut que tu fasse comme l exemple une routine quoi