20. Conjugue le verbe entre parenthèses et complète
les phrases avec «for » ou « since ».

a. ... the beginning of his speech, the politician (already
/ repeat) ... the word "green" sixteen times!

b. Black people gospels (sing) ... they were taken
to America.

c. We (know)... each other ... years now. We (always /
be) ... good friends.

d. I (live) ... in this neighbourhood ... three months.
It's a really nice place.

e. ... World War II, they (find) ... bomb shells buried in
the north of France.

f. I (be) ... in love with her ... the day I met her in

21. Conjugue les verbes au prétérit ou au present perfect

a. According to the police, the robber ... (go) through
a back window.

b. ... (you / ever / be) to Rome? Mary ... (go) there
three times in the last ten years.

c. The Prime Minister ... (refused to reduce the price
of petrol.

d. When I was a teenager ... (1/play) football every
Saturday afternoon.

e. Last year there ... (be) a lot of traffic accidents
in this area.

f. My keys are missing: ... (you / see) them?

g. I can't finish this game of chess; ... (1 / already / try)
several times.

h. When I asked him for time off, ... (he / say) "No".

Le present perfect « Be + V-ing »

22. Utilise les éléments donnés pour expliquer
ce que Tim et ses colocataires font depuis leur réveil.

It's Sunday morning. What have Tim and his roomies
been doing since they got up?

a. Tim - watch TV -
b. Max - work on his laptop - ...
C. John - read a book
d. Jessie and Stephanie - do yoga -
e. Lidia - listen to music - ...
f. Patrick - prepare a brunch

bonjour vous pouvez m'aider svp pour ces devoirs anglais svp merci d'avance ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. Since the beginning of his speech, the politician repeated the word "green" sixteen times!

b. Black people gospels singed since they were taken

to America.

c. We knew each other for years now. We used to  be good friends.

d. I lived in this neighbourhood  for three months.

It's a really nice place.

e. Since World War II, they found bomb shells buried in

the north of France.

f. I am in love with her since the day I met her in


21. Conjugue les verbes au prétérit ou au present perfect

a. According to the police, the robber went through

a back window.

b. Will you ever come to Rome? Mary went there

three times in the last ten years.

c. The Prime Minister refused to reduce the price

of petrol.

d. When I was a teenager i used to play football every

Saturday afternoon.

e. Last year there was a lot of traffic accidents

in this area.

f. My keys are missing: Did you see them?

g. I can't finish this game of chess; I already tried

several times.

h. When I asked him for time off, he says "No".

Le present perfect « Be + V-ing »

22. Utilise les éléments donnés pour expliquer

ce que Tim et ses colocataires font depuis leur réveil.

It's Sunday morning. What have Tim and his roomies

been doing since they got up?

a. Tim watched TV

b. Max worked on his laptop

C. John read a book

d. Jessie and Stephanie did yoga

e. Lidia  listened to music  

f. Patrick  prepared a brunch