The subject of that meting is the case that I’m working on .
There are a lot of cluse to tell us that mr jonson is the killer but he haven’t an mobile . I was thinking that maybe he was just insane but when I make him pass some test , I realize that he was totally normal . Even if it is’nt proof , I make him pass at the lie detector , nothing . That wasn’t normal even if everything accused I’m , I thought he was innocent. So I dug a little more , and in the crime scene there are other fingerprint this one of is wife , mrs Jonson . Even if the fingerprint on the knife are this one of her husband, she have a mobile , an access to the crime scene, and to the fingerprint of her husband. You will maybe ask what is her mobile , our victime know that she go all the night to a shady club , maybe he sad that he will tell that to mr Jonson and mrs Jonson doesn’t want so , she killed him an make the murderer passed for his husband