vous pouvez m’aider pour le 2,3,4 s’il vous plaît ? Merci à ceux qui m’aideront

EXO 2 would, could, will
a- I would be so happy if he gave me this job!
b- If I work all summer, I will get some great experience.
c- I could mow the lawn too, you know...
d- If you want to work in this company, you will have to wear a uniform.
e- If you worked from 6 to 6 pm, would you be willing to work on Saturdays ?
f- Could you arrive at 6 in the morning on Mondays ?
IF + present ===> futur will
if + preterit ===> conditionnel would
could ==> suggère une possibilité
a- I have already done lots of odd jobs before.
b- Have you ever raked leaves ?
c- Er, no but that's because we never had a garden.
d- We have always lived in a flat, you see.
e- Have you often been late ?
f- I have never been late at work.
a- If I get this job ==> 2) I'll developp my skills.
b- If I had a big house ==> 3) I could adopt 3 big dogs.
c- If I worked in Ireland next summer ==> 1) I'd become excellent in English.
pour cet exo, regarde les règles de l'exo 2..
bonne journée ☺☺☺