bonjour je voudrais demander votre aide pour mes devoirs
Merci d'avance
Le devoir est ci-dessous

Bonjour Je Voudrais Demander Votre Aide Pour Mes Devoirs Merci Davance Le Devoir Est Cidessous class=

Sagot :


Hey ( friends name ),
How are you ? Hows Mexico ?
I was hoping you could come visit me in Madagascar. You could go see the lemurs and the baobab trees. You could also taste one of my favorite drinks : the bonbon anglais. It tastes just like Mexico.

I hope you can come,
( your name )

Voilà une réponse est ce que tu vient de Madagascar ?

Réponse :

Hello my friend, i hope you are doing well and that you're enjoying mexico,

i have been missing you a lot lately and i thought that we could spend the vacations together in Madagascar, we can even visit this very nice place called tana-malagasy in Madagascar.

Explications :