prétérit ► actions passées terminées
present perfect ► actions passées en lien avec le présent, ou qui viennent de se passer
je vais souligner les indications permettant de mettre l'un ou l'autre
1- Yesterday I went shopping with my sister.
2- I have lived in Paris for 10 years.
3- They have never been to Canada but they went to the USA 3 years ago.
4- I have just finished my homework. I can play now.
5- My sister has already travelled in Africa but she wants to go back there.
6- Last night I saw my friends and we ate at McDonald's.
7- I have already seen this movie so I don't want to see it again.
8- In 2018 France won the World cup.
9- France has won the world cup twice.
Bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺