Bonjour est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider sur ces exercices en anglais, ceux que vous pouvez,merci beaucoup

Exercice 1 :
a. The windows were painted by my father.
b. Red jerseys were worn by the players.
c. A long speech has been made by the president.
d. The tickets will be bought by Suzy.
e. The criminals were looked for by the police.
Exercice 2 :
a. Philip's bike was stolen.
b. Russian is spoken.
c. The newspapers will be delivered.
d. Your phone number was given to me.
e. His promises were forgotten.
Exercice 3 :
a. A new library is being built.
b. The school was being cleaned yesterday (pas sûr de celle-là).
En te souhaitant une bonne journée :)