Pourriez-vous m’aider, s’il vous plaît ?
Merci infiniment!

Bonjour Pourriezvous Maider Sil Vous Plaît Merci Infiniment class=

Sagot :

Hello mister Tate, I have a few questions to ask to you, do you mind ?

- Ask whatever question you want, i’m Not guilty

- this is a decision I have to make on my own would you ?

-fine, détective

- where were you two weeks ago at 8pm ?

-i was watching TV at home, I was with a friend you can ask him to confirm it. His name is .....( il faut trouver un nom )

- so why do we have a witness telling us that he saw you at the museum ?

-I was walking my dog in the park near the museum, look I didn’t stole

-so you’re telling me that the footage camera who caught you in museum is lying ?

-No of course not, I was visiting the area with my brother and sister

- When we arrived at the museum you were on the street why’s that?

- I was eating a burger and fries at the restaurant in front of the museum with my parents, look detective i was just in the wrong place at the right time

Bonjour, j’espère avoir pu t’aider bonne chance et dit moi s’il y a des problèmes