Sagot :



I had to change   ► obligation      // passé

I had to hike the PCQ ► obligation  //  passé

Cheryl will have to  ► obligation   // futur

Do you have to wear  ..?  ► absence d'obligation // présent

You don't have to bring back ► absence d'obligation // présent


phrase affirmative = sujet + have + to

phrase interrogative = have + sujet + to

phrase négative = Sujet + have + not + to


relier les phrases

I  have to change ==> I must change

I don't have to change ==> I'm not required to  change


phrase non reliée

I mustn't change

exprime l'interdiction



obligation  : have + to

absence d'obligation = don't + have + to

interdiction = mustn't


n'oublie pas que à la 3e personne du singulier have = has au présent


bonne journée ☺☺☺