EXERCISE 3: Translate into English.

1. Non, je n'ai pas encore sorti le chien.

2. Mes voisins ont déjà voyagé partout dans le monde !

3. Est-ce que ta grande soeur a déjà rencontré son nouveau patron ?

4. As-tu déjà organisé une
fête d'anniversaire chez toi ?

5. Mes parents n'ont pas
encore vu mon super prof de maths.

6. Les parents de Leo ne sont jamais allés au zoo !

7. Non les enfants ne se sont pas encore brossés les dents.

8. Oui, nous avons déjà planté le pommier.

9. Etes-vous déjà allés aux Etats-Unis ?

10. Elle est déjà montée sur le dos d'un éléphant.

Mercii d’avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. No, I haven't walked the dog yet.

2. My neighbours have already traveled everywhere in the world !

3. Has your older sister met her new boss yet ?

4. Have you ever organized a birthday party at your place ?

5. My parents haven't seen my amazing maths teacher yet.

6. Leo's parents have never been to the zoo !

7. No, the children haven't brushed their teeth yet.

8. Yes, we have already planted the apple tree.

9. Have you ever been to the United States ?

10. She has already climbed on an elephant's back.

Explications :

Bonjour ,

voici ma réponse :

1. No , I haven't taken the dog out yet .

2. My neighbors have traveled all over the world before !

3. Has your big sister ever met her new boss ?

4. Have you ever organized a  birthday party at your house ?

5. My parents did not  saw my great math teacher again .

6. Leo's parents have never been to the zoo !

7. No, the children haven't brushed their teeth yet .

8. Yes, we have already planted the apple tree .

9. Have you ever been to the United States ?

10. She's already mounted on the back of an elephant .

J'espère t'avoir aidé .