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Le texte : Lors de mon voyage j’ai visité Rotorua c’est l’un des sites les plus visités de la nouvelle zealand.

J’ai apprécié cet endroit car l’on peut y faire plusieurs activités mais aussi voir différents paysages à couper le souffle.

La ville est située le long de la rive sud du lac du même nom dans la région de Bay of Plenty dans le cœur thermal de l’île du Nord à 230 km au sud-est d’Auckland.Le lac Rotorua avec 79 km2 est un des 16 lacs de la région.

La région de Rotorua était habitée par la tribu maori, qui s’y était installée il y a 600 ans.

L’ancienne station thermale de Rotorua (Rotorua bath house) est située dans les Government Gardens dans un bâtiment de style Tudor, qui abrite aujourd’hui le Rotorua Museum of Art and History.

Dans ce musée sont exposées des collections sur les arts figuratifs, la photographie, l’histoire sociale et les objets de la culture des maoris.

Près du musée se trouvent les Blue Baths, les Orchid Gardens, où j’ai pu admirer une grande variété d’orchidées et le merveilleux Polynesian Spa avec des piscines et des sources chaudes pour adultes et enfants, l’une des attractions les plus connues de Rotorua.

Toute la région autour de Rotorua est pleine de merveilles thermales et naturelles, où j’ai pu marcher le long de sentiers bien entretenus.

Parmi les plus belles zones, il y a Waimangu avec le Frying Pan Lake, les Cathedral Rocks et l’Inferno Crater, Waiotapu, riche en couleurs et avec des geysers.

j’ai passé un agréable moment de détente et de relaxation dans les différents bains minéraux naturels, spa ... Les eaux géothermales ont pour bienfait de nourrir la peau et soulagent les muscles fatigués. C’est un voyage que je recommande et que je referais sans hésiter.

Je vous remercie de m’avoir accordé votre temps, j'espère que mon témoignage vous aura donné envie !

Sagot :

During my trip I visited Rotorua, one of the most visited places in New Zealand.

I enjoyed the place because you can do many activities but also see different breathtaking landscapes.

The town is located along the southern shore of the lake of the same name in the Bay of Plenty region in the thermal heart of the North Island, 230 km south-east of Auckland.79 km2 Lake Rotorua is one of 16 lakes in the region.

The Rotorua area was inhabited by the Maori tribe, who settled here 600 years ago.

The former Rotorua bath house is located in the Government Gardens in a Tudor style building, which now houses the Rotorua Museum of Art and History.

The museum displays collections of figurative art, photography, social history and Maori cultural artefacts.

Near the museum are the Blue Baths, the Orchid Gardens, where I was able to see a wide variety of orchids and the wonderful Polynesian Spa with pools and hot springs for adults and children, one of Rotorua's most famous attractions.

The whole area around Rotorua is full of thermal and natural wonders, where I was able to walk along well-maintained trails.

Among the most beautiful areas are Waimangu with Frying Pan Lake, Cathedral Rocks and Inferno Crater, Waiotapu, rich in colours and with geysers.

I spent a pleasant moment of relaxation in the various natural mineral baths, spa... The geothermal waters have the benefit of nourishing the skin and relieving tired muscles. It is a trip that I recommend and that I would do again without hesitation.

I thank you for your time, I hope that my testimony has given you the desire!


During my trip I visited Rotorua it is one of the most visited sites in new zealand.

I liked this place because you can do many activities there but also see different breathtaking landscapes.

The town is located along the southern shore of the lake of the same name in the Bay of Plenty region in the thermal heart of the North Island 230 km southeast of Auckland. Lake Rotorua with 79 km2 is one of the 16 lakes in the region.

The Rotorua area was inhabited by the Maori tribe, who settled there 600 years ago.

The former Rotorua bath house is located in Government Gardens in a Tudor-style building, which now houses the Rotorua Museum of Art and History.

In this museum are exhibited collections on figurative arts, photography, social history and objects of Maori culture.

Near the museum are the Blue Baths, the Orchid Gardens, where I was able to admire a great variety of orchids and the wonderful Polynesian Spa with swimming pools and hot springs for adults and children, one of the most famous attractions. from Rotorua.

The whole area around Rotorua is full of thermal and natural wonders, where I was able to walk along well-maintained trails.

Among the most beautiful areas is Waimangu with Frying Pan Lake, Cathedral Rocks and Inferno Crater, Waiotapu, rich in color and with geysers.

I spent a pleasant moment of rest and relaxation in the various natural mineral baths, spa ... Geothermal waters have the benefit of nourishing the skin and relieving tired muscles. This is a trip that I recommend and would definitely do again