S’il vous plaît, aidez moi avec des explications

Sil Vous Plaît Aidez Moi Avec Des Explications class=

Sagot :

Réponse : Bonsoir, je ne sais pas si j'ai bon mais j'espère vous avoir au moins aidé :)

Si vous voyez des fautes, veuillez me le faire remarquer pour que je me corrige ^^

Explications :


a. At last, I have found my lightsaber.

b. I have worn costumes since my first Comic-Con.

c. We have spent time in Japan to understand the culture.

d. It has just rained, look at my outfit now! (Pas sûr)

e. I have spent hours on it, and my costume is horrible


How long have you waited to go to the Comic-Con?

I've looked for 2hours, but I have not able to find my sword! (Pas sûr)

Have you spent all day at the convention?

Have you not read Naruto twice already? (Pas sûr)

Have you change it? Yes, my costume was horrible!