bonjour je suis en 3eme et je n'arrive pas mon exercise d'anglais merci de votre aide ♡

1 - Forme Affirmative
Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit simple.

1. John.....his trip to England. (to enjoy)

2. i......€150 for these shoes. (to pay)

3. Celia......her brother's calculator at school and lost it. (to use)

4. My mother.....with her sister. (to leave)

5. Manchester United......against Blackburn Rovers and won. (to play)

6. the cinema with his friends last night. (to go)

7. The me because I was making faces. (to laugh)

8. feed the fish. (to forget)

9. computer last week. (to repair)

10. john and the classroom yesterday. (to fight)​