Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider svp en anglais merci

1) The crew is very tired after this trip in space , if we get a short break of 1 week we'll be able to gain more energy and go back there
2) There's no vegetation but if we bring the scientists maybe they'll be able to plant some new vegetation.
3)Terraforming the planet will take centuries but if we bring earth's species into this planet things will happen faster .
1)If you travel in space for several months you'll get very tired
2)I will not be able to return to Earth .
3).. there's a high probability of you going to space
4).. he'll be very sad knowing that he'll never see his parents again.
We are going to search a place to put our tents and then we're going to look for INSIGHT a robot so we can see what he collected, after taking the specimens we're going to study them in the tent's laboratory and send the results to the planet Earth via our special phones .