Bonjour svp aidez je dois rendre ce travaille et je suis nul aidez moi svp

Hello, I'm Rachel Mons, a BBC journalist. I'm currently, as you can see, in a ruined house as a shelter. With me are two women with three men and seven children, one of the men has an injury to his left leg, and a woman has an injury to her right arm near her shoulder. We are all frightened by the noise of the bombing and the shouting of the soldiers. The children are holding their mothers and crying. We can't stop them. Wait a minute. Wow. We just witnessed a real rescue of a five year old girl by a man in his thirties. They don't end up near us so we can't interview him but we can see the girl quite scared but happy all the same. That's all for today and we'll meet again in a few days for more information.
je l'ai fait en sorte de texte mais normalement il y a toutes les réponses avec les détails si t'as des questions tu peux me les poser j'y répondrai :)