S’il vous plaît pouvez vous m’aider en anglais je dois écrire un film d’horreur avec des modeaux au passé must can’t maybe et je dois mettre des dialogues je vous remercie en n’avance

Sagot :

                                          the House of the Dead

We just moved into a new house in Tombstone that belonged to a dead aunt, strangely we didn’t remember having one living around here, but the parents didn’t find it weird they were even happy that they wanted to leave our home for a long time. Moving trucks being late me and my brother Jimmy  We decided to go for a walk in the neighborhood so we met children playing on the school grounds, they looked at us as if we were monsters one of them told us: "Go away, you must go away and never come back to this city again," I looked at him with a stupefied look I was going to speak when my brother shouted to him: "we have just arrived why should we go anyway you can’t make us do it" While Jimmy was getting mad a girl was standing among the other kids, she seemed to be my age, she had short cut black hair and looked at me smiling, that smile was the scariest one I had ever seen. A boy was also looking at me his look was friendly, he got closer and told me his name was Jean, Jimmy still angry came home, "wait for me!" I told him but he ignored me so I dropped out, and I stayed with Jean. after a few minutes I asked Jean why his friend had told us to leave suddenly. he took a serious look and said to me:  

"- Well the last time people came they died of an accident, since he’s not the same, that’s how to protect you.

"-Oh, I see that’s why," I just said something was strange: "why would this boy have told us to leave the city he could have just warned us"  

that’s how the day ended. {Later at night}

I woke up because of the cold when I saw someone through the window, my room being on the second floor I thought I was hallucinating, yet this person told me something, Jean it was him, I got up to get closer to the window but he had disappeared, I then told myself that I was upset by the events of the day and that I was just tired, alas I saw him every night always at the same time, I think I even heard him speak once.Several days had passed and our parents had been invited to a party if I had known what would happen I would never have let them go. our dog, pat was acting weird these last few days and when I had decided to walk him with Jimmy, he broke loose and escaped to the city cemetery; While we were chasing him into the cemetery , I came across a grave, curious I was reading the name inscribed, there was that of Jean, I told myself gift that it was perhaps someone who had the same name so I looked at the dates: 1970-1985, he died at 15 years the age of Jean. John came and said:

"What are you doing here,

I answered him immediately

- that’s Pat, he ran away,

- you must not stay here it is dangerous !  

Meanwhile, Jimmy was out of breath and not understanding what I was doing got closer and listened quietly to our conversation.

- I asked Jean if he knew why pat was there even though I did not expect an answer, he said to me:

- Animals are the first to leave.

- what do you mean, I don’t understand anything

he repeated,

-Animals are the first to leave, they always discover our secret earlier

"What secrets," I said, confused

Thinking of the tomb I had seen earlier, I asked John in a trembling voice:

"This grave belongs to you, doesn’t it...?"

he was surprised by what I had just said

- you discovered our secret, I didn’t think it would be so soon, now I can’t help you.

Jimmy had finally shown himself and read John’s name on the grave, he fell in amazement

"How can you do anything for me, what do you mean and what do you do here if you are really dead?"

-Our city is cursed, the house you live in is bait for us, it needs human to survive, we took turns getting screwed now it’s your turn

So you are all dead, I stopped talking and thought, then I continued, the parents. I watched the amphitheatre in which they were,

Jen immediately cried out:

"It’s too late the sun is rising they’re probably dead."

I looked around looking for a solution and then I saw this big dark tree and realized that it protected the cemetery from the sun. I had just figured out how to save us.

"Jimmy helps me to push this tree," I cried.

Jean kept telling me that it was too late but I didn’t know, Jimmy didn’t understand me, losing my cool I cried

- Don’t ask questions and hurry up ! Seeing the stress in my voice, he kept quiet and helped me.

After a few minutes of hard work the tree moved, exposing some graves to the sun.  

- a little more effort, I say, out of breath

The tree was a grave exposing all the tombs I looked at John, his body melted it cried of pain, the other children and adults came out of the amphitheatre they melted also, the girl who had looked at me with this cold look looked at me thanking me for releasing them.

We then went to get our parents and we told them all about it and we promised ourselves that we would never make the same mistake again.