Sagot :
Bonjour !
1. A bicycle is cheaper than a motorbike.
2. A car is bigger than a motorbike.
3. A bike is more convenient than a car in the traffic.
4. Gold is more expensive than silver.
5. A email is more efficient than sending letters by post.
6. Pitbulls are more dangerous than labradors.
7. Paris is more pollued than Strasbourg.
8. A car is more comfortable than a motorbike.
Explications :
Adjectifs courts : adjectif + er + than (cheaper than)
Adjectifs courts dont la consonne finale est doublée : adjectif + consonne finale doublée + er + than (bigger than)
Adjectifs longs : more + adjectif + than (more expensive than)
J'espère t'avoir aidé. Bon courage !
1- A bicycle is cheaper than a motorbike.
2- A car is bigger than a motorbike.
3- A bike is more convenient than a car in the traffic.
4- Gold is more expensive than silver.
5- A email is more efficient than sending letters by the post.
6- Pitbulls are more dangerous than Labradors.
7- Paris is more polluted than Strasbourg.
8- A car is more comfortable than a motorbike.
adj.longs > more + adj.+ than
adj. courts > adj. + - er + than
si l'adjectif se termine en Y > -ier
( funny > funnier...)
Si consonne/voyelle/ consonne> on double la consonne ( Big : bigger /; fat: fatter...)
Good > better
Bad > worse
Far > farther
Bonne fin de journée