Réponse :
je vais te donner une idee globale que tu pourras utiliser mais plus en details si elle te plait!
so we all know that plastic and electronics are a major issue when it come to pollution so i would invest in an circular economy business. its goal would be to make products easier to repair and long lasting so that it doesn't end up thrown away in the ocean or in an illegal dumpsite. that would be a great way of reducing the amount of waist considering that most people tend to throw their broken stuff away regardless of the fact that is could be easily repaired at home or by a professional.
Explications :
circular economy is when producers make their products last longer. a good example of it is the water industry that cleans and refill empty containers instead of always creating new ones and throwing the used ones away. hope that helped :D si tu as des questions concernant ce principe n hesite pas a me le demander!