Bonjour, voici les réponses. La plupart des indices se trouvent dans l'histoire (en gras) et l'exercice 2.
a. The Great Fire of London burns for five days.
b. A church is much smaller than a Cathedral.
c. The Lord Mayor is very tired (attention,dans l'exercice 2, tu as écris "tried" qui est le prétérite du verbe "tire") and he wants to go to bed.
d. The fire-fighters can't stop the fire by pulling down houses, they must blow up the houses instead.
e. The wind changes direction after four days and the fire stops.
f. A soldier is a person who works in the army.
g. The new center (tu as mis "centre", dans l'exercice 2, comme en français, au lieu de "center") of London has beautiful wide streets.
En espérant que cela t'aide,