J'espère que vous allez bien. J'ai un devoir d'anglais sur la compréhension d'un texte et j'ai du mal à rédiger les réponses. Pourriez-vous m'aider svp ? C'est sur la notion "Fiction et Réalité".
Voici les questions:
1. What kind of document is this? Introduce it.
2. What do you learn about the character, describe him precisely?
3. Describe Oceania. Pick out the words or phrases that show how gloomy life is in Oceania.
4. How would you describe Winston’s life?
5. What assumptions (suppositions, hypotheses) do people in Orwell’s 1984 have to make before saying or doing anything?
6. Say whether these statements are true or wrong.
• Usually there was electricity in the evenings.
• The thought police spent their time watching people from helicopters.
• If one spoke in a low whisper, one could not be overheard.
• The streets were not clean.
7. find the words that match these definitions.
a. To fly very low.
b. The opposite of often
c. Not sharp
d. Not strong
e. If
f. At the same time
g. A murmur
h. Examined closely
8. Make assumptions about Winston’s future. Use different structure with may, might, will or be bound to, to be sure to (certitude), to be likely to (probabilité)
Merci beaucoup de votre aide.
Bonne journée à toutes et à tous,